How well do you know the flags of Europe? Take our European flags quiz and test your geography knowledge! For every answer, we will reward you with a short fun fact about a European country. Did you know which European country invented gin? Or what the tooth fairy is called in Spain?
Your total score will be shown at the end after you’ve answered all 10 questions.
European Flags Quiz
European Flags Quiz Question 1

This is the flag of Latvia
Here is a fun fact about Latvia: Latvian's can have their names changed for €70 - cheaper than a name change on most flight tickets.
European Flags Quiz Question 2

This is the national flag of Moldova
Moldova is the poorest country in Europe and still it has got some of the best internet speed in the world. Moldova scored the 3rd position in the world internet speed ranking. Moldova is also a very cheap country and traveling there is extremely rewarding. Read here about our experiences traveling to Chisinau, the capital of Moldova.
European Flags Quiz Question 3

European Flags Quiz Question 4

This is the flag of Norway
And here is a fun fact to go with it: The capital of Ireland, Dublin, was founded by the Norwegians in A.D 836
European Flags Quiz Question 5

This is the flag of Malta
Did you know that Brian Adams and Britney Spears are of Maltese descent?
European Flags Quiz Question 6

This is the flag of Croatia
Large part of season 2 and 3 of Game of Thrones was shot in the beautiful city of Dubrovnik on the Croatian Mediterranean coast. So you may be more familiar with Croatia than you think. Planning a trip to Croatia? Check out this guide for the perfect itinerary!
European Flags Quiz Question 7

This is the flag of San Marino
San Marino is a small country located within Italy. If every national of San Marino was to visit the Wembley soccer stadium in London, there would still be over 56,000 empty seats.
European Flags Quiz Question 8

This is the flag of Estonia
A sport called "Wife-carrying" is hugely popular in Estonia and Finland. It is basically a race of men who a carrying a female on their shoulders.
European Flags Quiz Question 9

This is the flag of Greece
According to a Durex global survey, Greece is the most sexually active nation. Coincidentally, Greece also has the highest rate of smokers in Europe...
European Flags Quiz Question 10

This is the flag of the Netherlands
Even though gin is generally considered a British "thing", it was actually invented in the Netherlands.
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European Flags Quiz
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Scored 5. I need to go back to geography class haha. Love your quizzes!
Aaaargh, only 8, what a shame for a proud European like me 😀