European Countries and Capitals List – Alphabetical

list of countries in europe with capitals in alphabetical order

Europe is one of the most diverse continents in the world. Both naturally and culturally. While we often hear about the larger European countries and their capitals, it is hard to keep track of the capital cities of European countries that are less famous. Therefore, we created this European countries and capitals list – alphabetical.

In addition, the list of European capitals also shows the population of each country and their currency.

European Countries and Capitals List – Alphabetical

The list displays the European countries and capitals in alphabetical order. You can also use the filter function on the table in order to sort the list differently.

List of European countries and capitals as PDF download

Click here or on the button below to download the list of all European countries, capitals, currencies & population in 2019.

Download European Countries and Capitals List Alphabetical

If you want to learn more about the European countries in a fun way, check out our European flag quiz. Identify the flags of European countries and learn a fun fact for every correct answer.

Do you also want to learn about the countries and capitals in other continents? Click here for the full list of all countries in Africa and their capitals or here for a full list of all Asian countries and their capitals.

Pin this list of European capitals for later by clicking on the image below:

Alphabetical List of all European countries and their capitals and currencies and their population. This list provides and overview of the capitals of European countries
European Countries and Capitals List – Alphabetical

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