It is time to test your geography knowledge. In this quiz, we will show you the outline of 20 countries from all over the world. Can you tell which country it is? Try it and guess the countries that are shown in our country shape quiz.
Some countries have unique borders and shapes while others have very similar outlines. Let’s see if you can score 20 correct answers in this fun multiple choice geography test.
Guess the Country Quiz
Question #1 - What country is this?
Hint: Look closely at the section in the middle of the country

This is the outline of Panama
The division in the middle is where the Panama Canal crosses the country.
Question #2 - This is an easy one

This is the pizza-producing country of Italy
Question #3 - What country is this?

This is the outline of South Africa
The "hole" in the middle is the country of Lesotho.
Question #4 - This country is located in Northern Europe? Which one is it?

This is Norway
Recently, we visited Svalbard, a group of islands 1,000 km north of the Norwegian mainland. During the summer time, the sun doesn't set for four consecutive months. Read more about our weekend without sunset in this surreal destination.
Question #5 - What country does this beautiful drop represent?

This is Sri Lanka
Sri Lanka was formerly known as Ceylon.
Question #6 - This are the border of a troubled country. Which one?

These are the borders of Afghanistan
Question #7 - What is this beautiful archipelago called

These are the Philippines
A group of 7,641 islands. Read our guide about Boracay
Question #8 - A country on the Horn of Africa

This is Somalia
Question #9 - A beautiful and cold country

This is Canada
Question #10 - What is this slim and good-looking country called?

This is Chile
Question #11 - What country has this shape?

This is Egypt
Question #12 - The largest country in the world

This is the shape of Russia
Question #13 - What is this nation called?

This is the outline of Papua New Guinea
Question #14 - This outline belongs to a very unique country

This is the outline of Nauru
Nauru is an independent nation in the Pacific Ocean and the smallest Republic in the world.
Question #15 - What is this country called?

This is Japan
Question #16 - Geography Trivia

This is the outline of Austria
Question #17 - An Island Nation..

This is the shape of Cuba
Question #18 - A country in Africa

This is the island of Madagaskar
Question #19 - What country is this?

This is the outline of New Zealand
Question #20 - Last one!

This is France
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Guess the Country Quiz
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Did you recognize the shape of each country correctly? Make sure to share your results with your friends on social media – let’s see if they can beat your score! Check out our travel quiz section to find more fun quizzes. In addition to country outlines, we have quizzes about flags of the world, famous landmarks, world alphabets and many more.
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I had great fun with this!
Aiming for 20 but only got 18, not too bad I suppose?
Hehe i love this idea. I did better than i thought on some countries, but was kicking myself for others. I blame the wine i drank last night lol
Oh my goodness that was soo bad haha. I only managed to guess the destinations that are on my bucket list and have been dying to see for a while . All the rest I was terrible picking the right country! Back to geography class for me haha
Oh I was terrible at this!! I need to brush up on my geography shapes ASAP! Lots of fun though, I need to pass this on to my husband- hopefully he won’t beat me 🙂
This was so fun! 19/20, so I think that’s pretty good! Afghanistan was the one that got me lol.
17/20, not bad but could be much better! This was so much fun to do!
Outlines of countries are not my strong point, but have learnt a few more after your quiz!
Haha what a fun blog post!! Do more of these!!
This was so fun! I scored 17/20 🙂 Would love more quizzes like this.
Wow, I did a lot better than I thought I would! 12/20 haha
way too easy. i got 20/20 so many times on so many different posts i guess i am just too good now.
Thanks, this will help with learning countries. I got 20/20 which I’m very please about. They were mostly the easy ones.